Tips for getting a glowing stature during the winter

John Doa
John Doa

Food Blogger

Last updated on December 23, 2023, At 06:26 PM ET

Posted on December 23, 2023, At 06:26 PM ET

To get an elegant and distinctive look for short people in the winter, there are some tips and tricks that can be followed to create the impression of height and add a beautiful appeal to the look.

In this article, we will give you some ideas and tips that will achieve this goal.

Wear a solid color:

Try to avoid wearing a variety of colors, and choose one color for all clothes. This can help make the body appear more toned and may appear longer.

Adopting light fabrics:

Choose clothes made of light, loose fabrics that flow smoothly. These fabrics contribute to enhancing body movement and making the figure appear longer and more streamlined.

Choosing vertical cuts:

Try to rely on clothes that include vertical lines, whether in the design of blouses, jackets, or even shoes. These lines help create the impression of extra length and visually enhance the person's overall shape.

Avoid long and wide pieces:

Try to avoid wearing large or over-sized clothes that are too long. It is preferable to choose short dresses, coats, or capes that reveal your legs, as these outfits will suit your body shape and will make your height appear taller.

Attention to upper details:

Choose tops that contain details such as vertical buttons, high collars, or geometric cuts, as these details highlight the length of the neck, making your stature appear visually longer.

Adopting shoes with heels and pointed toes:

Choose to wear high-heeled shoes with a pointed toe, as this type of shoe adds length to the stature and makes the legs appear longer and slimmer.

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